10 June 2008

Is India ready for a digital publishing explosion? (Because US seems to be getting there)

Sitting in India, it is difficult to map out how Internet publishing will pan out over the next few years, but I do believe that at least for the English media, it will make a big difference. There is a reasonable chance that anyone who writes/reads English will earn enough to buy a PC and a Net connection, with both becoming cheaper.
Here is the big one from the US: Internet is set to become "Medium Number 2" --next only to direct marketing!
This is based on an IDC survey (respected agency, mind you!), which also records that this is despite recession clouds over the United States economy. I only hope such numbers do not go the way of the Web 1.0 hype when B2C, B2B and all that gave way to P2P and C2C in the Web 2.0 way.
Here are the operative parts from the IDC release, and a link to the statement follows:
"During the forecast period, Internet advertising will grow about eight times as fast as advertising at large. IDC finds overall Internet advertising revenue will double from $25.5 billion in 2007 to $51.1 billion in 2012.
"The Internet will go from the number 5 medium all the way to the number 2 medium in just 5 years, making it bigger than newspapers, bigger than cable TV, bigger even than broadcast TV, and second only to direct marketing. Video advertising will be the principal disruptor of Internet advertising over the next five years by attracting the most new marketing dollars"


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